Tuesday, 10 January 2012

Night Shots

My first attempt at night shots.  I wasn't planning this so left my tripod at home and had to improvise with walls and flower beds1
It was interesting to experiment with different lengths of exposure from 4,6,8,and 10 secs.  Always good to shot at night just as the sun goes down as the sky turns blue.

Thursday, 24 November 2011

Studio portraits at LCC

I am now a term into my ABC Diploma at the London College of Communication.  I have spent some time in the studio playing around with lighting set ups.  This is a 3 point lighting set up, 2 soft boxes lighting the side and a beauty dish from directly above.

This is a high key set up, lighting the background to make it bright white and bringing out the highlights.

Another 3 way lighting set up

Saturday, 10 September 2011

Favourite Boat Party Shots

I took these at the Twisted Audio Boat party in July.  This is the first sunset boat party we have done so the light was fantastic at times but quite tricky to deal with.  Lots of experimenting with Flash.

Jody Wisternoff

Thursday, 17 February 2011

Colour portriaits

Kids portraits, my true passion.

Kids portraits are what I love to do, especially in black and white.  I like to try and cut in v close with the shot and try and capture a natural moment when I can.  Luckily I have my own model at home to practise on.