Thursday, 17 February 2011

Colour portriaits

Kids portraits, my true passion.

Kids portraits are what I love to do, especially in black and white.  I like to try and cut in v close with the shot and try and capture a natural moment when I can.  Luckily I have my own model at home to practise on.

Thursday, 10 February 2011

Twisted Audio club shots

With my newfound flash (on camera that is) skills, this was my first opportunity to shoot at my own club night.  It took a lot of playing around with the flash but got some great shots that I think really captured the atmosphere.

Nick Warren

Seb Dhajje

I really like the way this shot makes them almost translucent 

Branching out into food Photography

I got the chance to photograph some food for my good friend Aisie @ Curious Cook  Lighting proved to be a bit of an issue but I am pleased with the results.  It all tasted delicious, being paid in bread and cakes has its perks :)